I have thought a lot about why many people are not keeping to the health guidelines regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Why are people continuing to party and gather in groups larger than the recommended amount? Why do some people scoff at the idea of washing their hands thoroughly or using sanitiser? How come many people are acting as if everything is the same as always, when clearly it is not.

Here are some possible reasons.

  1. Cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is a term used to describe situations when a persons behaviours conflict with their beliefs or attitudes. A classic example is when people know that smoking causes cancer and yet they continue to smoke. Presently, there are people who know corona virus is deadly, yet they continue to behave recklessly.

Are you experiencing cognitive dissonance? If so, it is worth your while to reflect on it and question why you are behaving in contrast to your knowledge. Living in alignment with your rational self and values is a fulfilling way to live.

  1. Many people are still underestimating the seriousness of COVID-19. (Self-disclosure: I was one of these. Until this second wave, 2 weeks ago, I thought Australia was different and we were safe. I thought it would all blow over and return to normal. The second wave and the number of deaths worldwide have crashed my unrealistic view.)

Are you taking the pandemic seriously?  If not, educate yourself about the facts. Read authoritative websites and get international figures of:

  • the number of people who have died,
  • the number who have recovered but are suffering from long term side effects like diminished lung capacity, cognitive deficits, chronic fatigue and general muscle weakness,
  • the number of people who are infected with symptoms and recover, and
  • the number of people who are infected and asymptomatic but with the potential to infect others.


  1. Many people do not feel part of a community or a bigger system. They focus on their own health, well-being, rights, and choices. Their decisions are based on their individual needs at the time and do not encompass the wider picture.

How about you? Do you believe it is all about you and if an old lady dies, it is not your concern?  If so, here is the truth. Humans are interconnected wherever they live. Someone sneezes in Wuhan and another person gets sick in Melbourne. We are part of an ecological system where every action we take potentially affects others.

 I like to tell the story of 4 people on a rowing boat and one decides to drill a hole under his seat. His friend shouts “What are you doing?”. The driller answers “This is my seat. I can do what I want here.”. The friend retorts “You fool! We are in a boat together. If you drill a hole, you sink the entire boat and we all go down.”

Gladys Berejiklian (our NSW premier) put a positive slant on it this week. She said “Just imagine. With your actions you could save a life. How powerful is that?”

Now is a good time to become part of your community. See yourself as part of a connected world. You will feel happier, more purposeful and will be ensuring your own safety as well. If we all do the right thing, we all benefit.

  1. Perhaps you feel that keeping the economy going is vital and if a few people die, so be it. If that is your view, think again. Economists have shown that if coronavirus is not suppressed, the economy will be destroyed anyway.

Learn the whole story. This will motivate you to keep the rules so that both our lives and our economy can be healthy.

  1. How are you feeling now? Rebellious? Wondering why I am going on like this? Do you feel like arguing with the facts or deliberately flouting the rules to show me you are your own person?

It is normal for young children and teenagers to resist good advice and authority. However, adults should be able to discern when something is not about control but about life and death. Adults realise when advice is being given to benefit the receiver and not to punish them. Adults can respect their leaders attempts to keep us safe and work together with them to have a good outcome.

If you tend to be rebellious and still cannot see the merit in my strong argument, please speak to some one about it. It is for your own good.

At Anxiety Solutions CBT Psychology Practice, we are concerned about every individual’s safety. We offer face-to-face and/or tele-health sessions with rigorous hygiene and social distancing practices. We understand that individuals have a need for autonomy and sometimes following rules can be difficult. But just as we work with self-destructive individuals who are suicidal or self-harming to improve their well-being, so too am I urging you to stay safe. Work together with us all to maintain and improve mental and physical health.