Emotion Focused Therapy

Emotion Focused Therapy is an approach which can be used for individuals, couple’s relationships, and families.

The central premise of Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) is viewing emotions as not just what a person feels, but as a key element to our individual identity – in other words, our emotions are part of who we are, and EFT focuses on exploring our emotional selves.

During EFT, you will:  

  • Talk through specific, current events to explore your emotional experiences and interactions
  • Identify connections and patterns around your emotions, thoughts, and behavioural responses
  • Learn new, more helpful ways of being within yourself and in your interactions with others when big emotions come up
  • In couples-based EFT, you and your partner will be guided through connecting with your own and each other’s emotional experience, and to identify and change unhelpful patterns of interacting.

EFT is an evidence-based therapy approach which draws on knowledge of attachment theory and humanistic psychology, to form an understanding of how our early experiences contribute to our way of being in adulthood, and to view each individual holistically.


  • > DRUMBEAT Groups to improve wellbeing, resilience, social skills, emotion regulation

Make a change. Call Renee.

Renee Mill – Founder, Principal Clinical Psychologist and Bestselling Author – has been working with individuals, couples, and parents for over thirty years on anxiety management and parenting skills. She can help you, your partner and children with self esteem, anxiety, and stress in only 10 sessions. With her customised toolkit, worksheets and books, Renee can help you.

Renee helps:

  • individuals
  • couples
  • parents
  • groups