
In order to choose an effective treatment to manage your anxiety, it is important to have facts based on research. Up to date clinical and neurobiological research should clarify why our ten session course produces excellent results.

You may have tried various psychological treatments (and even CBT) before and had a poor result. You may be pessimistic about your chances of improvement and being cured. Be assured that the ten session CBT course is a cause for optimism.

The abundance of neuro-psychotherapy research over the past 20 years has proven that:

  • Even if you have a genetic tendency for anxiety, or you have been anxious for a long time, it is possible to make changes. We now know that a brain is neuro-plastic which means it can develop new pathways, at any age, with practice and repetition.
  • Anxiety has nothing to do with your personality or your star sign. It is the result of your primitive brain firing. When you learn to stop your primitive brain from firing, and train your smart brain to fire helpful circuits, your anxiety will reduce.
  • Since medication targets neurotransmitters, which is the connecting substance between neurons, it does not promote the development of new neural circuits. This means that medication may be useful in calming you down in the present moment but it does not make structural changes.
  • The optimum method for treatment should aim at neurons and the development of new, adaptive neural circuits.

When the primitive brain has thick neural circuits, it means that the primitive brain will keep firing even without provocation. It also means that when an event happens, you will automatically become stressed as this is your default mode of operating.


DIAGRAM 1 – The smart brain and the impulsive / primative brain.


DIAGRAM 2 – Thick neural circuits in the impulsive / primitive brain.


DIAGRAM 3 – Thick neural circuits in the smart brain.

On Diagram 1 of the brain, 2 areas are highlighted. They are called the smart brain and the primitive brain. The part of you that is reading this, and understanding it, is your smart brain.

The primitive brain controls your breathing and other essential lifesaving functions. It is constantly on the alert to keep you safe in dangerous situations. When your primitive brain fires often, and without cause, it leads to symptoms of anxiety. Moreover, on a neurological level, continual neural firing leads to the development of thick neural circuits.

The thick neural circuits look like Diagram 2.

When the primitive brain has thick neural circuits, it means that the primitive brain will keep firing even without provocation. It also means that when an event happens, you will automatically become stressed as this is your default mode of operating.

Aim of the ten session CBT course

Learning the four step method and practising it over ten sessions will assist you to develop new neural pathways in your smart brain. As the healthier, thick neural pathways develop in your smart brain, the less the pathways in your primitive brain will fire. In fact, the old unhealthy pathways will disappear over time and thinking in healthy adaptive ways becomes your default. .

After 90 days of practicing the 4-step process, your smart brain will look like Diagram 3.

What this means in real life is that when something happens, you will no longer automatically jump to a negative conclusions and become anxious. You will be logical and calm and see life in a realistic manner. You will be better at problem solving and will enjoy life much more.

Make a change. Call Renee.

Renee Mill – Founder, Principal Clinical Psychologist and Bestselling Author – has been working with individuals, couples, and parents for over thirty years on anxiety management and parenting skills. She can help you, your partner and children with self esteem, anxiety, and stress in only 10 sessions. With her customised toolkit, worksheets and books, Renee can help you.

Renee helps:

  • individuals
  • couples
  • parents
  • groups