Parenting Teenagers Course

Parenting teenagers is an entirely different story to parenting children. In the past, the teenage years officially started at 13, however children today take on features of adolescence at a much younger age. Therefore, this course is for parents of children over the age of 10.

The course runs for 3 sessions of ninety minutes each. Again couples benefit most when they attend together.

  • The first session focuses on understanding your teenager, his/her moods, developmental cycle and needs. Understanding the developmental process is helpful because you will see your teenager’s behaviour as normal and be able to anticipate the next stage.
  • The second session teaches self-determination theory which stresses the importance of allowing your teenager to have a voice and be autonomous while you still maintain your role as the supportive guide. This maximises your teenager’s  development into a functional adult.
  • The third session gets you to pinpoint your own values and to apply the principles you have learnt to your own specific family.

The main focus of my course is to give parents practical solutions. I teach parents how to manage, work, communicate and live with their teenager.

Each couple then has the opportunity to apply the techniques to their own situations and then come back to me with questions.

This course is unique. You cannot access this knowledge in a book or on the web. It is practical and relevant to individual teenagers and to all families.

Here is what some parents had to say after the course:

“I learnt how to not fight about the small stuff, criticise as little as possible and to encourage authority.” Russel.

“I came away with more information than I began with, learnt how to enjoy my children and that many of the things that I do are positive.” Lindy.

If you are interested in attending the course or would like more information, please call Lisa on 02‑9328‑5899 or email and we will be in touch.

Medicare and private health rebates are available (conditions apply).