Every life situation brings stress

By |2022-07-14T16:27:12+10:00August 10th, 2015|Stress|

Today a client of mine was complaining about the fact her husband works long hours.  When I questioned her further it turns out that he has a corporate job and earns mega bucks. Moreover, he loves his job and can talk about it for hours. My client has been having mild anxiety lately which causes ... [Read more now]

What you can do to help your child’s anxiety.

By |2022-07-14T16:39:53+10:00May 18th, 2015|Children, Parenting|

The verdict is out. If you are an anxious person, your child will more likely be anxious too.  Therefore, you owe it to your child, as much as to yourself, to learn how to manage your anxiety. Tips for parents: Be honest with yourself.  How anxious are you on a daily basis? If you are ... [Read more now]

Choose realism over romanticism

By |2022-07-14T17:03:17+10:00March 8th, 2015|Mental Health|

This is one of the tools that I teach in my CBT anxiety management course. Romanticism is your need to have your life look perfect. Romanticism is when you want to prove that you have it all and can cope with anything that comes your way. Romanticism is when you have an idealised picture of ... [Read more now]

The importance of adaptability

By |2022-07-14T17:06:54+10:00February 4th, 2015|Mental Health|

Change is known to exacerbate anxiety, stress and sometimes even depression. This is because human beings are creatures of habit and find it excruciating to do things differently. Sometimes individuals will stay in awful situations because the fear of change paralyses them. Positive psychology researchers look at individuals who cope best with life and inquire: ... [Read more now]

When is enough, enough?

By |2022-07-18T12:54:25+10:00July 28th, 2014|Anxiety|

One of the major causes of stress today is money. Not only for “battlers”, but for people on all levels of society. Of course, financial hardship is tough. However, I have found that people from all walks of life obsess about their finances, no matter their financial bracket. There are those who earn a liveable ... [Read more now]

Why Can’t I Stop Thinking?

By |2022-07-18T12:56:11+10:00August 23rd, 2012|Anxiety|

There are times in our lives, usually during a lot of stress, where it feels like we’re thinking a lot, yet solving nothing. This is because our brain is working feverishly to make plans to avoid future stress. The irony is that during moments of severe stress the part of our brain that makes good future plans is ... [Read more now]


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